
Your all-in-one
ETH staking solution

State-of-the-art ETH staking infrastructure trusted by token holders, custodians, exchanges and institutions.

Trusted by the best


Staked ETH
in USD


Total ETH


Active ETH

What makes RockX staking unique

Earn maximum yield

Earn maximum yield

Max fee rewards for your validators via pool solution. Increased yields and profits for all validators.

Get low fees

Get low fees

RockX charges 20% commission on fee reward, which is 3 - 6% of overall rewards. Zero fee on protocol rewards.

Stake with speed

Stake with speed

Stake ETH in just 2 steps! No more complicated process. Stake, monitor and manage on our all-in-one portal.

Security is priority

Security is priority

Staking APIs allow easy institution adoption & deploymentSecure, fast and affordable with enhanced product offering.

Calculate your potential ETH earnings

You Stake




You get

1 Validator

An all-in-one secure portal

Simple staking

Simple staking

Our audited staking contract enables you to spin any multiple of 32 ETH in a single transaction, cost saving and mitigating the risk of human error.

Easy monitoring

Easy monitoring

Robust monitoring dashboard allows you to conveniently track and monitor the performance of your validators.

Powerful reporting

Powerful reporting

An all-inclusive rewards dashboard that allows you to track or claim Fee/MEV rewards.

Tailored staking solutions for large volumes and institutional needs

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