Grow your assets fast. Earn rewards and high yields by staking with Manta (MANTA).
Before staking, make sure to bridge MANTA tokens from Manta Pacific protocol (EVM Layer 2) to Manta Atlantic protocol (Polkadot parachain) through the Manta official bridge:
Next, go to Click on the “Connect Wallet” button to complete preliminary setup.
Find the RockX collator by inputing the validator address "dfXNJVYFc6uSzM6J8eeSn7zrpjnyZUNFQK4NLMxTFCSEsCkMs"
Once you have found “RockX”, click on the “Stake” button.
Minimum stake of the collator is dynamic since only the top 100 stake wallets by stake amount can earn rewards. Please ensure your stake amount is above the “Minimum stake”.
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